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There are always complications in life and is never easy to explain.

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Sunday, October 18, 2009

Saving energy

So, this week has been a very hard week. Teachers are tring to push the year 10s for the upcoming exams in week 5. Yap, I'm having my exams in week 5. I'm quite nervous because it's both semesters work and there are a lot to revise and catch up on. I haven't start revising yet but I will soon. I'm trying to be organise this weekend and then I will have to start waking up my brain next week. Exams are very important for me, and for everyone too, because it determines our work for next year. I will be year 11 next year so it will be very stressing.
This weekend I didn't do much. All I did was finishing my homework and assignment. Then next week I will start revising from monday onwards. Therefore, I don't have time to blog and using computer for other stuff other than just listening to music from my laptop. I want to pass. That's my main goal. I want to be successful too.
I just did my science test on friday and i alsmost screwed it cause it's hard and i can't answer most of the question. A problem there. I hope and wish I at least will get a 65% and above. No lower than that. I will work hard for my exams. No wasting time for me.
One problem. There are lost of distractions like my home is never quiet and i have to do other stuff other than homework and studying. Lets hope I will get through every single day until my exams are over than I will treat myself by relaxing for a while. But when results are coming out my heart will start pumping up. I think by next week after exam week, we will get our papers back so i will be nervous all the way while pretending to be relaxing.
Anyway, I will try to blog whenever I can. See ya when I will see ya.

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